Now Booking Sessions!

“I don’t shoot those. I’m a landscape photographer.”

I’m done saying that. I’m simply a photographer. I like photographing just about anything (still not the biggest on weddings though 😉). I’ve turned down so much work over the years because I’ve kept telling myself that.


I’ve been putting this off for a long time (since I started my business 6 years ago) and I’ve just now decided to give it a go. I am hereby announcing that I am open for business and offering client sessions. I’ve done numerous over the years for people and it’s time for me to take the steps to make it happen on a more regular basis.

Here is a list of subjects I’ve photographed over the years:

•senior/grad photos
•1 yr birthday photos
•pet portraits (yep)
•live musicians

I’m going public as of now. Therefore if you or anyone you know is wanting to do something please reach out to me and let’s work on making it happen. I’m all in!

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